This is the map that we did not have.>>>>>>>>>

Feeling all Indianna Jones like( actually Colin wanted to be Allen Quartermain this time)we fearlessly proceeded on totally unaware that we had also left the :VOICE OF REASON : back somewhere at the entrance.
When all of a sudden i heard this HORRIBLE NOISE.The first thought that came to my mind was another Mexican Jaguar,the most dangerous of all predatory felions.I heard Colin scream,so i started to bushwhack in that general direction when i heard that HORRIBLE SOUND again.I crouched low and strained to see threw the jungle,my heart felt like it was about to explode as i caught a glimpse of something moving,and realized there wasnt one but there were two.Thinking quickly i pulled out my camera (i wasnt allowed to bring a knife on the plane) and i and took a quick picture hopeing the flash would momentarily blind then just long enough for us to :RUN AWAY:As we fled like frightened school girls we came upon a ñarrow opening in the jungle.We climbed threw getting all scratched and bloody by these sharp thorns on the trees.Way WAY worse then climbing threw a barbed wire fence drunk.
Once threw we saw what what was shurly a never before seen small temple, and beside the temple somthing TRUELY AMAZING. It all suddenly became crystal clear,the answer to the age old question, of why the Mayan race disapeared?........NO wonder they vanished: A CIVALIZATION CAN ONLY GO SOO FAR ON A SQUARE WHEEL:

After escaping the deadly ferrel turkeys and solving the ancient mystery,we proceded to work our way threw the jungle back to the ruins.
we were entering the archological site a man with a clip board(which looked suspicously like an M16) said YOU GRINGOS ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE FOR BEING OUT OF BOUNDS. YOU HAVE A CHOICE: EITHER JAIL or REBUILD THAT TEMPLE OVER THERE........
I was working at a feverous pace not wanting the alternative.It was unbearably hot and humid.

Colin said: im thirsty lets go for a cervesa.So we snuck off the site threw the gates for a bite and a beer.............THE END.......